3.2 Lesson Plan

I want to se my Lesson Plan with Theory and Driving Lessons. I also want to see every time my Lesson changes status if it has been signed by the Instructor and the Student.
Design and functions are the same (as already made in WebApp) as the Instructor can see if he clicks in the menu Køreskole/elev/elevnavn/lektionsplan (driving school/student/click a student/lessonplan)
See eg. https://viavedo-webapp-dev.azurewebsites.net/administration/drivingschool/student/studentlist/41/active

I want to have a top menu so I can navigate between: Lektionsplan - Obligatorisk - Ekstra lektioner -(Lesson plan - Mandatory - Extra lessons). Same design and functions like in the WebApp the top menu https://viavedo-webapp-dev.azurewebsites.net/administration/drivingschool/student/studentlist/41/active and click Lektionsplan and you se the sub top menu.

Sub menu is Lesson Progress / Regulations (Lektionsforløb / Bestemmelser) Lektionsforløb is highlighted: Font weight: Semi bold. Click on Bestemmelser and go to page.

The first Lesson in line is listed at the top and last at the bottom

Click on each Lesson and go to a new page with Lesson info: Lesson no. and text, date, time and location.

Listed in to columns: Teori and Kørsel (Theory and Driving). 

Bg color: Blue #3A87C0
Headline: Font weight: Bold, white
Text: Font weight: Regular, white
Lesson no. headline: Font weight: Bold, Color Dark blue #1E3A55

Kørsel(Driving), 3 different Lessons types:

Lukket øvelsesplads
Bg color: Purple light #A9B6D6
Headline: Font weight: Bold, Dark blue #1E3A55
Text: Font weight: Regular, Dark blue #1E3A55
Lesson no. headline: Font weight: Bold, white

Kørsel på vej
Bg color: white
Headline: Font weight: Bold, Blue #4098D8
Text: Font weight: Regular, Blue #4098D8
Lesson no. headline: Font weight: Bold, Dark blue #1E3A55

Køreteknisk anlæg
Bg color: light blue #BED9ED
Headline: Font weight: Bold, Dark blue #1E3A55
Text: Font weight: Regular, Dark blue #1E3A55
Lesson no. headline: Font weight: Bold, white

The status changes every time the Instructor and student sign the lesson. Make signed Lessons like already made in the WebApp: https://viavedo-webapp-dev.azurewebsites.net/administration/drivingschool/student/studentlist/12/active and click on the Students Lesson Plan

The Instructor has to sign first before the Lesson change status(color and text) and then the student can sign it.

Different status for signing:

All Lessons that are signed by both the Instructor and the Student
Approved signing:
Bg color: Dark blue #1E3A55
Headline: Font weight: Bold, white
Text: Font weight: Regular, white 50% opacity
Approved text: Font weight: Regular and white
Approved Checkmark with white border and check. bg color: Dark blue #1E3A55

Self study
Checkmark and text: Yellow #E8D440, white border. bg color: Dark blue #1E3A55
Requires repetition
Checkmark and text: Orange #C77B2F,  white border. bg color: Dark blue #1E3A55

Theory Lesson - APROVED
After the Instructor have click the "Approved" appears:
- checkmark and text white "Underskrevet af kørelærer"
- x and text white is 50% opacity "Mangler underskrift af elev" (Missing signing from student)
The box color will stay with original Lesson color

Theory Lesson - SELF STUDY
After the Instructor have click the "Self study" switch, a 2 px Yellow border appears +:
- checkmark and text yellow #E8D440: "Underskrevet: Skal selvlæses"
- x and text white is 50% opacity "Mangler godkendelse af kørelærer" (Missing Instructor Approval)
- x and text white is 50% opacity "Mangler underskrift af elev" (Missing signing from student)
The box color will stay with original Lesson color

The next time the Instructor meet the Student he is asking to the Self Study and if he can approve, then he open the same Lesson info page and click the Approve switch. The text "Mangler godkendelse af kørelærer" change status to "Godkendt af kørelærer" and turns white and white checkmark appears.

Now the student can sign the Lesson. After that the text "Mangler underskrift af elev" change status to: "Underskrevet af elev" and turns white and the checkmark appears.

Now the Lesson is signed by both Instructor and Student and text and bg color change status color as above "All Lessons that are signed by both the Instructor and the Student".

Kørsel(Driving) Lukket øvelsesplads, Kørsel på vej and Køreteknisk Anlæg - APROVED
After the Instructor have click the "Approved" appears:
- checkmark white and text Dark blue #1E3A55 "Underskrevet af kørelærer"
- x white and text Dark blue #1E3A55 is 50% opacity "Mangler underskrift af elev" (Missing signing from student)
The box color will stay with original Lesson color

Kørsel(Driving) Lukket øvelsplads, Kørsel på vej and Køreteknisk Anlæg - REQUIRES REPETITION
After the Instructor have click the "Requires Repetition" switch, a 2 px orange border appears +:
- checkmark and text orange #C77B2F: "Kræver gentagelse"
- checkmark white and text Dark blue #1E3A55 "Underskrevet af kørelærer" (Signed by Instructor)
- x and text Dark blue #1E3A55 is 50% opacity "Mangler underskrift af elev" (Missing signing from student)
The box color will stay with original Lesson color

Now the student can sign the Lesson. After that the text "Mangler underskrift af elev" change status to: "Underskrevet af elev" and turns white and the checkmark appears.

Now the Lesson is signed by both Instructor and Student and text and bg color change status color as above "All Lessons that are signed by both the Instructor and the Student".