There are 6 different types of Lessons/Events that can be created from the Dashboard. The Theory Lesson can not be created here, because it is created when you create a new team and ad students in the WebApp. The Theory Lesson will of cause be shown at the Dashboard and can be clicked and sign students etc. just like the other events below.
Lessons that can be created at the Dashboard
Kørelektion (Driving Lesson)
Most Driving Lessons contains one Lesson but in some cases they contain two Lessons. In this case when this Driving Lesson(two Lessons 2×45 min) is being booked either by the Instructor or the Student then the system must split each Lesson up in it’s own 45 min bookingslot right after each other. In practice this means when you need to sign you have to click each Lesson and sign individually both for Instructor and student. This rule applies ONLY for Driving Lessons and NOT for:
Lukket øvelsesplads and
Køreteknisk anlæg
Førstehjælpskursus (First Aid)
Teoriprøve (Theory test)
Køreprøve (Driving test)
Create an event by clicking "+" top left corner or right double click on an green booking slot and you go to new page with event info. You can also click top right on "+" to go to same event info page or you can click on "+" on top of every day.
When you come to the event info page where you select date, time, student, location and so on then It’s precisely the same as at the Dashboard. See and read creating events and funtctions from the Dashboard her